A welcome new dawn at the NHA


• Continuous training of The Stipendiary Board to exude improved discipline.
• Expedited inquiries through establishment of an internal legal resource.
• Restructuring of Stud Book for greater efficiency and effectiveness.
• PR, Marketing and Communications function department established.

At the Media Breakfast hosted yesterday, 19 October 2016, the National Horseracing Authority (NHA) announced a new strategic direction and vision aimed at the longterm development and wellbeing of the Sport of Horseracing, the horses and the people.
The new business plan outlines and details how the organisation will move forward toward peak performance, improving efficiency and effectiveness. The overall strategic imperatives are:
• Commitment to improving the welfare of thoroughbreds and appropriate welfare
• Serving stakeholders in the Sport of horseracing with excellence to increase efficiency and, maximise effectiveness.
• Promoting the Sport of horseracing by raising the public confidence in the sport.

“The plan centres around a 4-year process of considering our purpose, our practices, how to reach potency and eventually sustain peak performances”, said Lyndon Barends, Managing Director of the NHA.
The first phase focuses on our revitalized purpose (our focus, scope and direction) and our current and new practices. This is underpinned by unpacking the organisational black box incorporating the status of the Sport, the internal competencies, the brutal facts about the NHA, the leadership and how to re-establish discipline in the organisation and on race day, added Barends. This process resulted in a new vision, mission, values, objectives and brand story.  

The business plan identifies fourteen (14) programs that will receive renewed attention. Amongst these are:
• The Stipendiary Stewards are largely responsible for upholding the integrity of Horseracing and it is therefore imperative that they receive continuous training to exude improved discipline.

Like in any other sport, the officials have the same identifiable uniform and we need to ensure that our Race Day Officials are easily identifiable with clearly branded uniform. It's important to raise the profile of the Stipendiary Stewards and other Race day officials to ensure that the industry is fully aware of their presence and function.
The NHA has developed an internal legal support to assist with the day-to-day inquiries and various governance issues facing the NHA.
The Stud Book department is currently being restructured for greater efficiency and effectiveness. The objective of the Stud Book Department is to record and publish the parentage of every Thoroughbred foal bred in South Africa and Zimbabwe. In order to do this, the department must record and publish all events, horses and persons involved in the breeding of Thoroughbred foals. In this regard, the NHA is focusing on enhanced and more efficient ways of administering this department.
The main focus of the overall plan is a shift to an attitude of delivering excellent and high quality services to the Stakeholders. “There must be an understanding that, while we regulate, we also provide a service to the Sport. As the National Horseracing “Authority” the NHA need to play the role of Guardian in the Sport”, Barends reiterated.
A new PR, Marketing and Communications department has also been established to improve communication and partnerships with Stakeholders.
The overall approach is to PROTECT and BUILD. To PROTECT the Sport through efficient and excellent governance with integrity; and to BUILD the Brand through improved & new projects or initiatives.

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