Q & A with Lyndon Barends


SA Horseracing recently took time out to chat to the NHA’s Lyndon Barends



 Q&A Q: What are some of the challenges the NHA are facing?

- To motivate staff to a higher level of service in order to renew the brand, especially given that longevity of service is the norm in the organisation.

- To remain sensitive and relevant to its Stakeholders while being an effective regulator.

- To be a vibrant, innovative and optimistic organisation in the midst of a stagnant sport and in the midst of ongoing criticism.

- To re-establish the NHA's brand value, brand character and brand respect.

- To be and seen to be fair and even handed in its governance.


Q: What plans do you have for the NHA?

1. We have vision2020 - a 4 year revitalization program which will eventually lead to an origination that's functioning at Peak Performance.

2. To administer at such a high level so that instead of Horseracing been touted as the Sport of Kings but rather the King of Sports!

3. To empower the staff to provide excellent service - build a constantly learning organisation.

4. Be seen and known as the "Industry" Body.


Q: How has your first year been at the NHA?

- Exciting, Busy, Tough and Thought-provoking.

- Exciting - New things to learn nearly on a daily basis. Lots of problem solving.

- Busy - sheer volume of having to deal with issues on a daily basis since we race 364 days a year. And fixing what has been left undone in the past.

- Tough - Many hot potatoes along the way, issues to resolve, fix the breakdown of trust relationships.

- Thought provoking - "We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking we used that created it"- Albert Einstein. We have to apply ourselves at a higher level of thinking.

- More speed and less haste attitude.


Achievements during year 1:

- conducted stakeholder workshop around the country to obtain input term trainers, veterinarians;

- Small stakeholder dialogues to gain input to the priorities for business transformation;

- Devised and started the implementation of “Vision 2020”;

- Internal staff workshops;

- Internal staff annual motivational campaign;

- New revised and revamped budget to improve effectiveness;

- Right sizing exercise;

- Developed standard operating procedures for stud book and the rest of the organisation (still in process);

- Revised Key performance Areas and appraisals for staff;

- Established the Animal Welfare and Veterinary Unit as well as the Legal Unit.


Q: Who are you going to be working with?

- I’ll work with the exciting team in place.

- Hand-in-hand with various stakeholders.

- People with new ideas


Q: How did you get involved with racing?

Head hunted - was never in racing previously.

Q: Have you been well received by the racing community?

Well received.

Nearly everyone has an open mind and is supportive of change. However, there are a few naysayers who because of their past issues would the like the NHA to final and therefore would like me to fail.

It's always going to be difficult for staff to understanding why an "outsider" was appointed.

Q: What changes in general would you like to see made in racing?

Greater concern for the welfare of the thoroughbred;

More consumer friendly racing environment;

Greater involvement of youth;

An effective program to promote the sport to those who were not exposed to it previously;

One unifying brand for the SPORT;

Respect for proper governance and its structures.

Q: How do you think racing could address the issue of transformation?

Transformation must be defined broadly and not only in terms of colour.

We need to transform the product offering (number of races/no of horses/ length of time, etc).

We need to transform he racing/betting environment to be more user friendly.

We need to transform the manner in which we promote/position the sport - away from betting to a sport. Is it for the mass on-course participation or more aspirational but accommodating for all?

We need to transform the ownership to include those who never had access before including youth, females, blacks etc.

I believe we need to focus more to diversify the pool of owners then it can effect the diversity of the trainers, etc. herein, I think, lies the possibility for growth of the sport.

Q: Who or what has been your greatest inspiration in life?

Definitely my mom and one of my teachers:

Never-say-die attitude was displayed by both and especially my mom.

She virtually dragged us out of the chalk environment into a more established house. We could dream about a better life. I see a speck of hope amidst dark despair and hopelessness. I believe hard work never killed anyone so even if I must go without sleep so be it, but get it done! Sleep is overrated.

Finally my mantra: Good, better, best. Never be at rest until your good is better than you better best!

Q: How would you like to see NHA and the press interact?

As much as possible. Honest, open, frank and trustworthy and with one goal - to build the sport!. I started press breakfasts in the various regions in order to get a better understanding of information needed but to also share my vision of the way forward.

Q; When were you first approached about working at the NHA?

Feb/March 2016.

Q: How would you like most to be remembered?

Sensitive but strong.

Fair and forward thinking.



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